Digital Marketing in the age of Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic took the world by storm and many industries were heavily affected. Some of them, such as cinemas or hotels had to come to a close pretty much on the spot. Obviously these things are affecting the economy, but they also have an impact on the digital world too. So you have to wonder, how does digital marketing look in the age of the coronavirus?

Improve your website and promote its benefits

Since the coronavirus pandemic brought in lockdowns, now your website is pretty much your retail storefront for the time being. That means you need to optimize, improve and ensure that your website delivers the best shopping experience. Creating an online presence and adapting it to the customer requirements is crucial here.

On top of that, you need to boost your branding efforts in the world of digital marketing, as that will surely help you a lot. The most important aspect is showing your customers they can get the same products and services online with great deals. That alone, combined with proper branding and quality emails will re-capture the attention of your clients and direct it online.

Continue posting on social media and inform customers on your website

Just because there are lockdowns, that doesn’t mean you have to stop posting content. Continue sharing quality content and start interacting even more with your client base. The reason you want to do that is because it shows customers you are there for them, and that alone can bring in an extraordinary result and a very good experience.

Offer discounts for customers

Don’t hesitate to offer discounts for advance bookings or even normal sales. People are dealing with a major crisis right now, so they might not have a huge amount of money to spend. Promoting discounts through social media and email marketing can help a lot because you get to boost your exposure and the overall return on investment you can get will be very impressive.

Update your FAQs

A lot of people will have questions regarding when you open, what additional support you can provide and all that kind of stuff. It’s important to have an updated FAQ, because they can easily receive their answers there. It will remove a lot of friction and the payoff itself can be pretty impressive. Take that into account, avoid any rush and you will be incredibly impressed with the outcome.

At the end of the day, the digital marketing world needs to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic and the challenges brought by it. Yes, it’s more difficult to connect with customers, but improving your online presence and continuing to invest in adds and SEO is pretty much mandatory. Now that your offline presence is pretty much closed, you have to focus even more than before on your website and how it looks, what it offers and so on. Help your customer base, bring them the best value and quality, then results can be very impressive.